Do you know when you get too emotional for almost every situation in life, it clearly shows that you are a highly sensitive person?

signs of a highly sensitive person

When you are a highly sensitive person, situations around you affect you, mentally and emotionally. You react that much to each and every situation you face in your day-to-day life.

  • You feel lost when someone ill-treats you.
  • Your eyes are filled with tears, the moment you hear hurtful words against you.
  • You take the words spoken by others as a personal attack against you.
  • You think twice before talking with someone you do not know, as you are unsure of their reactions.
  • You always assume that everyone is watching you, and negatively judging you.
  • You feel self-conscious about yourself, the moment you enter a room full of strangers.

This a completely wrong attitude to life. When you allow yourself to be influenced by the behavior of others, you often feel stressed, angry, resentful and depressed. Unless you forgo your too sensitive nature, you will be emotionally battered by people around you.

If being insensitive is bad, being a highly sensitive person is equally bad. It is because you often judge yourself, based on what others talk about you. You react with vengeance the instant something happens, contrary to your expectations.

You must change your behavior if you must survive in this harsh world. No cares about your emotions. No one cares about your reactions. No one cares about your feelings. So, you too should not care about what others think about you. This is the harsh reality of life.

What are the signs that you show you are a hypersensitive person?

No 1. You are very self-conscious

When you are hypersensitive, you are very self-conscious about yourself. You literally freeze when you talk with a person you are not acquainted with. You assume that the person you are talking with is judging you, rather negatively.

When you are self-conscious, your voice is not firm. You mumble and fumble, as you are not sure as to how you should talk with others. You keep fidgeting with your hands to show your nervousness. You are very conscious that your dress is not good enough. You constantly feel that you are nothing compared to others.


Do not give undue credit to anyone. You should also understand, that no one has the time to judge you. Even if others judge you negatively, it is their opinion. You cannot be pleasing everyone around you. Ignore the opinion of others.

Give credit to yourself. Cultivate the mindset that you are as good as anyone.

No 2. You cry at the drop of the hat

When you are a highly sensitive person, anyone can make you cry. You react that emotionally to what others say about you.

You become hurt so easily, whenever others voice criticisms against you.  Tears pop up in your eyes, the second you hear opposing words about you. You also take everything others talk about you, too personally. You take literal meaning to each and every word and feel emotionally shattered.


When you display all sort of emotions before other people, it only makes them gloat over their power over you. Do not give the power of controlling your emotions to others. If you do so, you will only constantly hurt yourself.

No 3. You do not mingle with people

When you are a highly sensitive person, you are basically a loner.

You never mingle with people, as you do not feel an emotional connect with them.

You avoid going to family functions, as you do not want to meet your relatives.

You do not have too many friends. You have your own particular set of friends, and mingle only with them.


You must have people’s skill if you must succeed in life. You cannot expect everyone to please you, and behave in a way you like.

Other people are not going to decide your life. Only you have the right to do it. Mingle with people so that you understand life, in its proper perspective.

No 4. You have frequent mood swings

When you are a highly sensitive person, you undergo frequent mood swings. Your emotions are not stable. It keeps fluctuating from one extreme to another.

You get angry very easily. A slightest provocation is enough to make you flare up in anger. You also become sad very easily. You feel bogged down, even by a slightest disappointment.

A small untoward incident is enough to make you feel pessimistic and dejected. You have absolutely no control of your emotions. Emotions control you.

People are terrified to approach you, as they are not sure of your reactions.


You must understand that when you become a slave to your emotions, you will react in extremes to the situations you face in your life. You will find it tough to adjust with people. This is not good for your life.

Control your emotions, so that you do not always react too sensitively to any situations.

5.You have frequent panic attacks

As you are a highly sensitive person, you imagine many untoward things happening in your life, which in reality will not happen. Your imaginations are mostly negative and pessimistic.

This is the reason you panic very easily. There need not be any firm reason for you to panic. You create your own reason, and get panicky and paranoid with fear. When any problems crop into your life, you feel overwhelmed that you will never come out of it.


You must stop imagining things that might not happen in your life. Accept life as it comes. Even if you face multiple problems in your life, you can easily tide over it, provided you are mentally strong and courageous.

6. You are very criticizing

In you hyper sensitivity, you find faults in other people, without rhyme or reason. You are so emotional, that you feel everyone is out to destroy you. So, you criticize the good intentions of others, as you are sure no one will do any good for you.


You must understand that you cannot always be criticizing and finding faults with people. If you do so, you will be shunned by everyone. This is something you must not let it happen in your life.


When you are a highly sensitive person, you cannot have a moment of peace. When you get hurt easily, your life becomes one long struggle trying to console yourself. When you react too much to minor problems, it will only make you edgy and nervous all the time.

You should come out of your sensitivity to enjoy your life. People will be different. You cannot expect everything to happen as you want to. Do not react sensitively to situations you face in your life. Instead, react sensibly.


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Mathi Surendran is passionate in writing about relationships and life. She is also the founder of the relationship blog
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