Why is money important to life, that you cannot live without it?
Money, money and more money – This seems to be the motto everyone follow in today’s modern world.
“You should study well to get a good job and earn lots of money” I shook myself off my reverie, when I heard someone uttering these words.
I was travelling in a suburban train. The voice I heard was that of a young woman who was travelling along with her young son.
“You can build a big house, buy a latest car and have a huge bank balance, only when you earn lots of money” the young woman was further advising her son.
The young girl is not a lone parent who want their children to be affluent and enjoy a good standard of living. Millions of parents, across the world literally crave for a wealthy future for their children. So, “earn lots of money” is a concentrated advice given by most of the parents to their children.
So, the importance of money is very much inculcated into the young mind of almost every child.
Why is money important that almost everyone worth his name is running after it?
It is because, the world respects you for the money you have. When you enjoy a good standard of living, the world respects you. But when your social status is not worthy of notice, the world thrusts you aside as a non-entity. So, money is important for your self-respect and survival, anywhere, everywhere and at any age.
It is true that without money, you cannot survive in this harsh world. This is the reason; you must know the trick to handle your money. Otherwise, you will face a life of running from pillar to post in search of money for even your basic survival.
You must teach your children the value of money from their young age. On the contrary, when you pamper your children with whatever they demand from you, they will grow up thinking that money is an easy commodity, which can be had without any efforts from them.
So, make sure that your children grow up knowing the value of money. You too should not throw your money away in wasteful expenditure. Do not try to show off to your friends\relatives\colleagues that you are way above them, money wise and social status wise.
You have nothing to prove to others. Your life is your own. So, concentrate on your own financial status, without trying to prove your financial well-being by throwing away your money.
I am sure you will be asking this question many a time –“Why is money important that the world is running after it?”
It is because, the rustle of money is understood all around the world. The name of currency might differ from country to country. Dollars, euros, yen, rupees and many more names are quoted for the currency of different countries. But every currency has one power – buying power.
You do understand without an iota of doubt, that you need buying power to survive in this harsh world. When you do not have the buying power to survive in this mercenary world, your life will not move an inch. It is money that makes you sustain and survive, each day and anywhere.
The craze for money is not new. The world has always been after money. There has not been a single phase in world history, when money was considered as not important. The world has always been mercenary, and tilted in favor of the rich and the privileged.
When you do not have money, you feel deprived of the good things in life. When you lack money, you are often overlooked by your friends\relatives. You would nod your head in affirmation, that your more successful and wealthy friends\colleagues get more attention than you, just for the simple reason that they are richer than you.
When you do not have money, you cannot enjoy life.
- You cannot eat good food.
- You cannot wear good clothes.
- You cannot go on vacations.
- Not a single wish of yours can be fulfilled.
On the flip side, when you have money, you can enjoy life.
- You can buy whatever you crave for.
- You can eat good food.
- You can go for vacations.
- You can just about buy whatever catches your fancy.
- You can maintain a good standard of living.
- You can build your own house.
- You can buy the latest car.
- You can go for shopping, any time you like.
When you have money, you need not look longingly at others enjoying their life, while you are forced to lead a hand to mouth sort of a life.
Money is also important to live a life of self-respect and self-esteem. It is a harsh fact, that when you do not have money, your self-respect is at stake. You will be forced to lead a lonely life when you do not have money, because you will be thrust aside by your friends\relatives as not worthy of notice.
When you ask loan from your friends\colleagues, their contempt will crush your self-respect into pieces. You cannot give your children good education, without money. When you are forced to borrow money, it will make your friends stay miles away from you.
Your relationship with your spouse might be loving and caring. But when there is no money, you will find your love beating a retreat. Bitter fights, needless arguments spring from nowhere, when there is no money for your family needs. Your love does not disappear from your marriage, when you do not have money. You will feel it impossible to concentrate on your love, when your total attention is diverted to mere survival.
When you have money, you also have the freedom to live your life on your own terms and conditions. You become your own master. You dictate your own terms and conditions. You can enjoy your hobbies; however costly they are.
You can plan the financial future of your family, when you have enough money. When you have a hefty bank balance, it comes in handy in times of any financial needs. You do not have unnecessary arguments regarding money with your spouse. There is lot less tension in your relationship, when there is good money for your family life.
Can you see the valid reasons why money is important?
Your life will come to a grinding halt when you do not have money.
But if you think that money can make you happy, you will be made to rethink about it. It is because happiness is not related to money. It is related to your mind. Money can only make you financially secure. It can never make you emotionally secure. You cannot eat money. You cannot share your emotions with money.
When you are affluent and wealthy, you have proved to the outside world that you are worthy of notice. But you feel happy inside, only when your money is combined with a happy family life.