20 Quotes about being mentally strong – with explanations

Quotes about being mentally strong can make you take a more positive look at your life.

Most of you feel that life is treating you with great injustice. You are emotionally shattered when tons of problems seem to plague you.

You go down on your knees appealing to God to relieve your life off all your problems as you feel there is no other way out of it.

You never realize that a life without problems does not exist for anyone. From the poor to the royals, everyone have their own share of problems.

Do you know only the weak-minded feel terribly upset by problems?

The mentally strong treat their problems as a challenge.

Here are some quotes about being mentally strong which easily makes you understand your life better.

Quotes about being mentally strong!

1. “The ability to continue moving when you are feeling scared, fearful or lazy is the sign of true mental strength.”– Matthew Donnelly

It is only human to feel unnerved by the problems you face. There are some traumatic problems which completely shatter your morale.

You are only human to feel scared and fearful about your problems. But when you have intense mental strength, you never give up.

Your strong mentality gives you the courage to keep trying, inspite of all your odds.

One of the best quotes about being mentally strong.

2. The strength of your mind determines the quality of your life. -―Edmond Mbiaka

Do you know when you live in utter fear about the issues you are facing, you feel your life is not worth living?

But when you treat your problems as part of your life, you become courageous and confident.

So, how strong you are in handling your problems decides the how your life is going to be.

3. “Change what you can, manage what you can’t.” ― Raymond McCauley

Most of you never accept what is happening in your life.

Unless you accept the unforeseen happenings in your life you cannot live through it.

You cannot change everything happening in your life. But you can handle it with courage.

When you learn to accept problems as a part of your life, you will easily overcome it.

4. The scope of one’s personality is defined by the magnitude of that problem which is capable of driving a person out of his wits.” ―Sigmund Freud

Most of you easily buckle under your problems. Even the slightest of problems makes you feel disheartened. It just shows how much you lack mental strength.

But there are some people who are not fazed by the magnitude of the problems that hits them. They fight back with incredible grit.

This attitude just shows the mental strength they possess.

5. If your mindset is defeated, the results will be the same no matter how often you put up a physical fight” ―Mac Duke

When you let your mind slip into pessimism, you cannot hope to win over your problems.

Your mind makes a reality of the thoughts you feed into it. It has that much of an awesome power. When you feel you are destined to fail, you will invariably fail as you have already tuned your mind towards your failure.

Your life is what your mind thinks.

6. You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.” – Cayla Mills

This quotes about being mental strength are words of gold.

Most of you never know your inner strength.

But when you have no other go than to fight it out, you are amazed by the courage you possess.

7. “If someone is strong enough to bring you down, show them you’re strong enough to get back up.” – Unknown

People might want to see you defeated. So, they might try to make your life a hell. Do not give such people the pleasure of seeing you defeated.

Be on your toes to show that you are a fighter who has the guts to fight it out.

8. “Be strong. Things will get better. It might be stormy now but the rain won’t last forever.” –Unknown

Do not feel your problems are here to stay in your life.

There is no permanent rainy season. There is no permanent summer season.

Seasons change. Your situation also changes. Just as there are changes in the seasons, your problems too will disappear one day.

Nothing is permanent in life. Every problem is a passing phase.

“This too shall pass” is the motto you should follow in your life.

9. “The most beautiful people I’ve known are those who have known trials, have known struggles, have known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.” –Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Yet another quotes about being mentally strong which I find very motivating!

People with courage have an aura which makes them stand above others.

Such courageous people withstand the hardships in their life which would have shattered the morale of others.

They are different because they had the courage to win over their problems.

10. “Whoever you are, whatever your dream, you have to be strong in your head and strong in your heart. Be strong. There’s no quitting in the person who wants it bad enough.”Carly Patterson

Do you want success in life?

Most of you do.

But success is not that easy. This is the reason many people give up midway.

But quitting is very bad as your success might be just round corner.

So, never ever give up.  

11. “Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once.” – Paulo Coelho

Life is a test of your will power.

And problems come into your life to make you evolve into a more mature person.

It is true that problems never come in singles.

It comes in waves.

When you are mentally strong you will stand straight even when life tries to throw you down.  

12. “You’ve got three choices in life: give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got.”Unknown

Life gives you many choices.

You can give up your trying, if you have made up your mind that you will not succeed.

Or, you can give all that you have to win over the success you had been trying so hard to achieve.

13. “He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.” –J. F. Clarke

When you make up your mind that you will fail, you invariably do.

But when you trust yourself, your mind makes it a reality. So, your strong belief motivates your mind.

14. “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” –Marilyn Monroe

You feel dejected when life takes away the good things in your life.

But when you are practical enough to accept it, you will be amazed when life gives you better things than what you had.  

15. “Life’s problems wouldn’t be called “hurdles” if there wasn’t a way to get over them.” –Unknown

Do you feel that your problems are great hurdles in your life?


It is not so.

Have you seen athletes leaping over their hurdles to race to their winning line?

So, hurdles in life should be leapt over.

16, “Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” – Bernice Johnson Reagon

Unless you have problems, you will never evolve.

Let us suppose that you do not have any problems in your life.

You will become smug and complacent about your life and one fine day you will fall flat on your face.

But when you face problems your mind is forever active. You are forever trying to find solutions and you will eventually find that you have great inner strength.

When you come out of your problems you will be reborn a new person.

17. “However long the night, the dawn will break.” –African Proverb

Your problems will end one day. You will find solutions.

Your defeats will end one day. You too will taste your success one day.

Your unhappiness will turn into happiness.

So, the trauma you face in your life has a short life span. And you too will see the dawn of your life.

18. “Tough times never last but tough people do.” –Robert H. Schuller

Your hardships never last. It is very temporary.

Your courage has that much of an ability to make you sustain yourself all through your hardships.

19. “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston Churchill

You cannot succeed always. You cannot fail always. So, whether you succeed or fail in life does not matter.

What matters most is the continuous fight you give to face your life at its harshest.

20. “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”- Audrey Hepburn

You have the awesome power to make the impossible possible.

The word impossible can be read as I am possible.

So, unearth your great inner strength and make the impossible possible.


Can you see how inspiring these quotes about being mental strength are?

You can never really understand your inner strength unless you have problems.

When you understand that problems are there to chisel you and not to destroy you, you will see your life in a new light.

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About Mathi

Mathi Surendran is passionate in writing about relationships and life. She is also the founder of the relationship blog www.breezystorm.com.
Having faced many challenges in her life, she writes to make others understand that there is always hope.
A new dawn awaits everyone.
“Life Reveals” is a blog which deals with an array of life shattering challenges most of you face. It offers many life transforming solutions to your seemingly impractical problems.

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