Quotes about happiness answers all your doubts about the ingredients to be happy.

Most of you want to be happy in your life.
There is not a single soul in this whole world who does not want happiness.
Because only happiness makes you feel content and happy about your life. When happiness goes missing in your life, you feel that your life is not worth living.
But most of you are very unhappy in your life. You feel your life is one big drudgery.
Why do you feel unhappy about your life?
It is because you do not understand happiness in its right perspective.
You want to achieve huge things to feel happy about your life.
How wrong can you be?
You have misunderstood happiness.
Now, let us dive right into the meaning of these precious quotes about happiness.
These quotes about happiness will clarify most of your doubts about why you should not feel that your life is unhappy and unworthy.
No 1. “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” -Omar Khayyam
Life is very uncertain.
You do not know what might happen to you the next second of your life.
But most of you do not understand this harsh fact about life.
You worry about your past, without understanding that it has ceased to exist in your present life.
You worry about your future without knowing it is yonder years away.
When you concentrate on your past and your future, you lose insight about your present.
In reality, it is your present that matters. In fact, it is this moment you are living that really matters to you.
Do not feel unhappy about what has happened and about what might happen to you in your future.
Never be so.
Be happy to be living this moment of your life.
No 2. “Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you’re being miserable.” – Clare Boothe Luce
Happiness is a mindset. Money cannot buy it.
But this does not mean you do not need money. There are times you feel miserable. Without money, you will be trampled by this mercenary world.
When you have money, you can feel miserable while enjoying all the comforts money gives you.
No 3. “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln
No one can make you happy, unless you make yourself happy.
If you depend on others to make you happy, you must wait for an eternity.
So, only you can do bring happiness into your life.
You can be happy only if you make up your mind to be happy.
Most beautiful among the quotes about happiness.
No 4. “True happiness is … to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future.” -Lucious Annaeus
It is your present that matters.
Most of you live fearing what might happen to you in your future.
Your true happiness lies in your present-day life.
So, enjoy your present without having needless fear about your future.
Quotes about happiness which delivers the clear message to live your present.
No 5. “The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.” – Henry Ward Beecher
Most of you feel that you can be happy only if you are rich. You think happiness is living in a big bungalow, driving in a swanky car and having a hefty bank balance.
All things can only make you feel financially secure. It can also make you acquire a great social status.
But it can never make you happy.
Happiness lies in the small things.
A loving interaction with your spouse.
The childish mischiefs of your children.
A word of appreciation in your workplace.
Such small things deliver more happiness than any rich things you might possess.
Beautiful among the quotes of happiness, isn’t it?
No 6. “Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.” Albert Schweitzer
What is the use of your money, when you are not healthy?
Being healthy makes you happy because only a healthy body can have a healthy mind.
And only a healthy mind can make you happy.
And if you keep recollecting the miserable things that happened to you in your past, you can never be happy.
Forgetting your bad memories and maintaining good health are the easiest way to be happy.
No 7. “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” -― Ralph Waldo Emerson
When you are angry, you spurt out hurting words against your parents\friends\spouse.
But the aftermath of your anger is, you lose your happiness and feel ashamed of your display of needless impatience.
If you withhold your anger, you can save tons of resentment and bitterness it creates in your relationship with others.
No 8. “The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.”
― Audrey Hepburn
Nothing matters in your life, if only you are happy.
Your wealth will not give you happiness.
Your social status will not give you happiness.
It is the way you enjoy your life that gives you happiness.
No 9. If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” ― Roy T. Bennett
You can never be happy if you think about your unhappy past.
You can never be happy if you fear your future.
So, live for the present. It is because your present life is the only real thing in your life.
Most practical of the quotes about happiness.
No 10. Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get”-
― W. P. Kinsella
Most of you dream of your success.
Success to you means becoming famous and wealthy. So, success implies that you want something out of your life.
But happiness is liking what you have got.
You feel happy for your good family life.
You like being alive.
You feel happy at the small things you are blessed with.
So, this feeling of happiness is what you need in your life.
No 11. Happiness is holding someone in your arms and knowing you hold the whole world.” – ― Orhan Pamuk
When you have someone to love and cherish, it is the biggest happiness in your life.
When the person you love means the world to you, you cannot ask for more.
This quotes about happiness delivers the clear message how true love brings you incredible fulfillment in your life.
No 12. “Stop comparing yourself to other people, just choose to be happy and live your own life.”- ― Roy T. Bennett
When you compare yourself with others, you will lose your happiness. It is because you cannot have what others have got.
You should concentrate only on your life.
You should be happy for whatever you are gifted with.
No 13. “Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.”- ― Steve Maraboli
There is no problem free life for anyone.
If you feel a problem free life is the only way to feel happy about your life, you can never have it.
So, a problem free life is not a happy life.
If you have the ability to handle your problems, it is the true happiness in your life.
No 14. “Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste.” – ― Charlotte Bronte
You cannot happy if you live only for yourself.
When you have no one to share your happiness, it just means that you have lived a selfish life. Your life is not worthy at all.
The hidden message that you should be sharing makes these sorts of quotes about happiness valuable.
No 15. “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” – ― Aristotle
No one can make you happy.
Happiness depends upon your mindset to be happy.
So, only you can make yourself happy.
Did you like these quotes about happiness?
Each and every quote delivers a beautiful message.
Your wealth is meaningless without happiness.
Your fame is meaningless without happiness.
So, make yourself happy, as no one else will do it for you.