Most of you want nothing else in your life than being happy at work, isn’t it?
Your job is your livelihood. And you spend most of your time in your workplace.
But it is a hardcore fact that most of you are not at all happy at work.
Do you know why?
- You feel that your talent is not appreciated in your work place.
- You are depressed that your capacity is wasted and ignored by the management.
- You are frustrated when your salary is peanuts compared to the work the management exerts from you.
All these qualities combine to make you feel that you would be better off if you find another job. You find your days in your workplace miserable because you are not satisfied with your work.
Sad, isn’t it?
When you do not like your work, you feel inevitably tensed and stressed.
On the other hand, if you like your work, your total life become comfortable and relaxed. So, being happy at work means a lot for you.
- Being happy at work means contentment and satisfaction about your life.
- It makes you tension free and stress free.
What could be the reasons for you not being happy at work.
- You might be mediocre in your work.
- You might be overloaded with tons of work.
- Your management might make you feel upset by finding faults in your work.
Whatever might be the reason for your unhappiness at work, you have no other go than cultivate the habit of being happy at work.
Being happy and content at your work means so much to you. You are in your workplace for at least eight hours in a day. It you are not happy at work; you feel as though your total life is wasted.
There are two types of working people.
One who loves his job and is happy in his work place.
And another who feels that he is wasted in his job. And hence he is unhappy.
It is a reality that majority of the people are somehow not satisfied with their job. The reason for it varies from person to person.
You should understand that if you are dissatisfied with your job it reflects in your efficiency.
You never want to give your best when you dislike your work. You are always keyed up and morose about your work related problems that it finally affects your family life also.
And so, you should make efforts to feel comfortable in your job so that you can have peace of mind and stability in your life.
Here are simple and workable tricks to being happy at work
1. Say no to confrontation with your colleagues
You should learn to co- exist in harmony with your colleagues so that your work atmosphere is friendly and amiable.
It is true that some colleagues deliberately rub you the wrong way.
You should learn the trick to handle them.
Do not be at loggerheads with such difficult colleagues as it will be torturous for you to work there.
Do not go complaining about them to others.
Handling difficult colleagues is your problem and you should handle it yourself.
Be firm when interacting with your problematic colleagues. But never be insulting.
2. Say no to office gossips
Do not indulge in office gossips and back bite about your colleagues.
Understand that the person you gossip about will inevitably come to know about it. This creates unwanted tension and confrontation in your work place.
The person you gossiped about will gossip about you. And he will have his own crowd of supporters who in turn can make your working time hellish.
So, it is always better to stay aloof from any office gossips.
3. Say no office groupism
It is inevitable that groupism exists in your work place.
If you show affinity to one group of your colleagues, you become the target of bullying by the opposite group.
Avoid such groupism at any cost. Groupism will affect your work in a telling way. Be neutral and unbiased. Be friendly with all your colleagues.
When you get along with all your colleagues your time in your workplace is tension and stress free.
This is a simple trick which could help you in being happy at work.
4. Say no to backlog of work
When you have heavy backlog of work, you become rattled up.
Do not often leave your cabin for refreshment or to make personal calls in your mobile phone. You will lose lots of precious time when you take long recess. Your work load increases two-fold when you waste your time not doing your work.
Attend only the most important calls and keep your conversation very brief.
You will be amazed to see how much of your work time is wasted if you check your personal emails or messages during your office hours.
Such personal work can always be done at home. Be professional in your work place and you will be better off if you are so.
When you have a heavy backlog of work, it will make you feel edgy and nervous.
If you feel your work load daunting, break your work into easily manageable blocks and finish each block with utmost dedication and commitment.
When you finish one chunk of your work, give yourself a pep talk and go to work at the other chunk of your work.
This way you will not feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of your work.
5. Say no to taking criticisms personally
If you have a bad day with your boss, naturally you feel let down.
Do not feel so.
You should not take the criticisms you face in your workplace too much to heart and feel that you are not worthy.
Note what the main complaint about you is.
If it is your poor performance, then you should spruce up your efficiency.
If it is about your late coming, then you should be absolutely punctual to office.
If the criticism about you is about the backlog of work you have, then be adept in finishing your work in time.
If the rebuke you get from your boss is just a reflection of his bad mood, coolly ignore it. Your boss might be venting his tension on you, nothing else.
If you take every criticism personally, you would definitely hate your job. If you do not like your job nothing could be more hellish.
Commitment to your work gives you pride in whatever you do. You should feel involved in your job to feel the flow of contentment oozing inside you.
6.Say no to comparison
Do not keep comparing your salary with that of your friends and feel less about yourself.
Be happy with what you have got.
This does not mean you should remain static and not make any efforts to earn more.
Do not compare your talent with that of your colleagues and feel you are lesser. Understand that everyone has different speed and flair for doing their work.
You can always improvise your talent.
7. Say no to unprofessionalism
If there is a crisis in your work place, be ready to lend a helping hand. Be punctual always as it gives a positive feedback about you to the management.
Dress with utmost professionalism, so that you always present a well-groomed look.
Do not talk loudly and laugh raucously in your workplace as it creates a negative reaction about you.
Act and talk with confidence. It definitely helps in being happy at work.
8. Say no to discontentment
Last, but not the least, it is your satisfaction with your work that is going to make you happy.
If you are dissatisfied with your job, you cannot have a moment of peace. Your salary becomes immaterial when you do not like your work.
“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision and hard work, determination and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” – Gail Devers
Work isn’t just your livelihood. It should become your passion.
When it becomes your passion, you will become dedicated.
When you are dedicated, your work will improve.
When you improve your work, your talent will be recognized. And recognition of your talent opens the doorway to being happy at work.