Do you know unless you have the skill to handle criticism in your life, you will always feel cowed down and pulled down?
You often feel completely let down when others make negative comments about you, don’t you?
Criticism can literally shake your self-confidence if you take it too much to heart.
But do you know that criticisms can actually mold you into a better and confident person?
Are you wondering how?
There are two types of criticisms
1. Constructive criticism
Constructive and positive criticism is given by someone who really cares for you. Such criticisms help you evolve into a mature and confident person.
You will never realize your mistakes unless someone points it out to you.
So, you need it drastically.
People giving you positive criticisms are always your well-wishers. They want you to change for the better. This is the reason you must listen to their advice.
2. Destructive criticism
Destructive criticisms about you are given with the deliberate intention of hurting your feelings.
Many a time your close friends\colleagues\relatives make negative comments about you. When your friends\relatives dislike or envy you, they often burst out with adverse comments about you with the sole intention of hurting you emotionally.
Negative criticisms about you make you feel emotionally shattered, doesn’t it?
This is the intention of the people who make such destructive comments about you. That is to make you mentally upset.
Do not give such people the pleasure of knowing that they have shaken your confidence.
This is why you should have the skills to handle criticisms.
The difference between constructive criticism and negative criticism
Constructive criticism is given by your well-wishers with a good intention of correcting your mistakes. You should pay heed to such criticisms as they pinpoint your negative qualities which had so far eluded your attention.
- Criticisms pinpointing the unknown mistakes you unthinkingly make is very essential to correct yourself.
- These constructive criticisms change you into a more positive person.
- It helps you to develop your character in a very authentic way.
- Criticisms uttered with good intention helps you to erase your mistakes.
- It guides you to chose the right path to make you successful.
Positive criticism is more like a mirror. It reflects your mistakes. So, you change for the better.
Can you see that constructive criticisms are given with the good intention of correcting your mistakes?
You should pay heed to such criticisms as they pinpoint your negative drawbacks you never knew existed in you.
But negative criticisms kill your enthusiasm. It curtails your progress towards success when your friends or relatives delibrately set out to crumble your self-confidence.
Negative critisicms inculcate a sense of inferiority complex in you.
You should realize that negative criticism is the result of jealousy others feel about you.
You are criticized with the cruel intention of inflicting a feeling of incompetence in you.
Stride over such criticism and do your work with positive energy. If you lend your ears to such negative criticisms, it makes your confidence touch a new low.
Learn to handle criticism in your life by understanding it in its proper perspective.
- Never judge yourself by what others say about you
- Do not make your mind static and stalled by the negative comments you hear about you.
- Understand the difference between positive criticism and negative criticism.
- Do not listen to people who are out to hurt your feelings.
- Thrust them away from your life.
- Be very positive.
- Do not change your behavior if you feel you are doing things the right way. Be what you are.
The positive criticism of my friend which changed my writing style.
“You meander about a lot before coming to the main topic. Do not do it as the viewers might lose interest in reading your articles. Catch the viewer’s attention by conveying your thoughts in the first paragraph itself” my friend who is an expert in writing commented on the initial articles I had written.
After her criticisms, I looked through the articles I had written in the intial stages. She was right on target. I was indeed meandering about before coming to the main point.
I thanked my friend for making such a constructive criticism. She changed my writing style for the better. If I had not listened to my friend, my writing would not have evolved for the better.
I thanked God that I listened to her constructive criticism.
Can you see that constructive criticism is given with a good intention of correcting your mistakes?
You should defintely listen to such constructive criticisms, as it helps you chisel your life for the better.
Here are simple skills to handle criticisms in all phases of your life.
Skills to handle criticism in your work place.
When you face persistent criticism from your boss you feel upset.
You want to leave your job, don’t you?
You do not like to work in a place where your efforts are persistently criticized and ridiculed.
What sort of a skill do you need to handle criticisms in your workplace?
- Do not let negative criticisms make you feel that you are incompetent and become down heartened. If you do so, your work will suffer.
- Do a self-analysis about your work. Be ruthless in your exploration about your proficiency.
Are you lagging in confidence?
If so, become assertive and bold.
Is your knowledge about your work insufficient?
If so, improvise your know-how and keep yourself updated.
Do you have a heavy backlog of work?
If so, do not pile up your work. Segment it into easy workable schedule. Finish the segmented work with utmost dedication. Dedication is the first step towards avoiding mistakes.
When you develop such skills, you can easily bid adieu to unnecessary criticisms in your workplace.
Skills to handle criticisms in day-to-day life
You face all sort of criticisms in your day-to-day life also.
- Your way of dressing is always under a scanner.
- The way you interact with people is always watched and commented.
- Your lifestyle is often commented upon negatively.
Take positive criticisms in the right spirit and thrust aside the negative ones.
Understand that your life is your own and no one has the right to make hurting comments about it.
People who make personal criticisms are actually venting their frustration and jealousy on you. So, ignore them.
Skills to handle criticisms in your married life
In this modern age, married life is getting tougher and tougher because it lacks tolerance.
When there is no tolerance, your relationship is rife with negative criticisms.
“You were never responsible.”
“You are not caring.”
“You are not earning enough.”
“I do not know why I married you.”
Such negative criticisms from your spouse makes you feel all rattled up. However, it is not at all advisable to ignore the criticisms of your spouse.
If you ignore it, it could ruin your marriage.
You have to sort out your relationship problems with your spouse.
Be reasonable when pointing out how much you feel hurt to hear negative comments from your spouse.
You need uncanny skills to handle criticisms from your spouse. You must never be accusing, but you should also never allow your spouse to treat you like a nitwit.
“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.”- Winston Churchill
Remember that without criticisms you will become complacent. Complacency spells future inadequacy and failure.
People who needlessly criticize you are just being jealous of you. You can shove away such comments without feeling gloomy about it.
So, be intelligent enough to see through negative criticisms.
Treasure positive criticisms as a way to rectify your mistakes and cast aside the negative ones as a thorn to be removed.