![No enough time in life- 10 ways to rectify your complaint!](https://i0.wp.com/www.lifereveals.com/lifeframework/uploads/2019/06/waiting-410328_1280-1.jpg?resize=795%2C385&ssl=1)
“I have no enough time in life” this is the most common complaint most of you have. This is also an excuse you give yourself when your success is delayed.
“I have a heavy backlog of work as I did not have time to finish it.”
“I am always racing against time.”
How many of you have cited your lack of time for your nonperformance?
Let me the first one to raise my hand as I never knew the value of time until recently.
My experience about not having enough time in life
I speak from my experience.
I always had a flair for writing. And I was interested in topics dealing with relationships and self-improvement.
My son-in-law encouraged me to bring my writing to the outside world and designed a blog for me.
Do you know what I did?
I didn’t write a single post for nearly a year. I had a long list of excuses with me. Though there were many excuses, my major one was that I didn’t have enough time.
“I am tied up with my household work and I don’t have enough time to write articles.”
“How can find time in between my family duties to write articles?” I told myself.
In actual fact these were not the real reasons. The real reason for me delaying my work was because I was unsure of myself. I thought I would never get any viewers for my writing.
One day I realized that I was wasting my time watching TV and just lazing around. I did have enough time in hand. Only I did not use it. And by wasting my time I was delaying my success.
“God! How many precious hours have I wasted?” I regretted the time I had misused
But this is a thing of past. I do not waste my time nowadays. I now plan my day as soon as I get up in the morning.
Most of you commit the same mistake I did – cribbing that you do not have enough time in life.
Take a paper and pen and list out what you do in a day and how much time is taken for that.
You will be amazed to know that you have much more time than you calculated. But most of your time is wasted by your lazy attitude of doing nothing.
Does this mean that you need to be on your toes twenty-four hours a day?
“Do I have no right to enjoy my life?”
“Do I have to keep on working day in and day out to prove myself?”
Your questions are logical enough. This is not what I am implying. You work to earn money and you earn money to enjoy life. Life which is all work and no enjoyment is not worth living.
You somehow allot time to enjoy your life. But when it comes to work, your mind speedily readies a lame excuse of no enough time.
How is it you manage to have time for your enjoyments in life and not for your betterment?
When you procrastinate your work, you should understand that you are delaying your success.
Assuming negative results from your endeavors make you put off your work.
Every one of us dread week days.
Why is it so?
Week days are your work days and you have to be on your toes to please your boss\higher officials.
You enjoy your weekends because you are your own boss and can do whatever you want with the time you have in your hand.
This is a wrong way of living your life.
You should like your profession. You should enjoy your work. If you do so, you will easily allot your time in a proper way to be work efficient. And when you utilize your work time properly you can easily achieve incredible success.
Here are ways to have enough time in life!
Top 10 useful tips
1 Getting up early
Most of you sleep late in the morning. This habit deprives you many hours of productivity.
Have you noticed the habits of successful people?
They start their day early.
You will be able to do tons of work for your success if you get up early along with the rising sun.
Practice this simple habit to enjoy enough time in life.
2.You must track your time
If you work without planning, you will not have enough time in life.
It is because without planning you will meander about your work without productivity as you do not know that time is flying.
You must keep track of your time. Otherwise you will lose many hours by sheerly wasting it.
So, the simple trick of tracking your time, literally speeds up your success.
And writing down your work for the day in a paper, helps you to work systematically.
3. Avoid social media – the number 1 way of wasting time.
What do you do as soon as you get up?
You reach for your mobile as you want to know what is happening in the social media. This has become an obsession with most of you.
When you keep checking the social media activities of your friends\relatives\colleagues, your time tick tocks away, never to be had back.
This habit of spending hours with your mobile breeds laziness in you.
Shove away this unwanted habit in you.
Obsession with social media denies you enough time in life.
Do your work at a steady pace without being distracted by unwanted things. You would be amazed to see how much work you finish because of you thrust away this unneeded habit.
4. Avoid arguments with your family
Do you know compatibility in your family life is very important so that you do not waste precious time?
Are you wondering how?
When you argue with your spouse, you are all muddled up with tension. Your mind keeps refabricating the hot words exchanged and you do not feel like working.
But when you have excellent family bond, your mind is relaxed and you are raring to have a go at your work.
5. Never work without a time limit
Your time should be taken care of minutely by you.
Do not think you have limiteless time in your hand. If you feel so, you will waste it.
Fix a time limit for your work. It helps you to make most of the time available to you.
6. Be sincere and honest to your work
Sincerity in your work makes you understand the value of time.
If you work in a company, you must give your best for the salary the management gives you.
When you are dedicated to your profession, you do not give halfhearted attention to your work.
You do not waste your time doing your personal work. You do not indulge in needless gossips during work hours.
You understand that the time in office is to be honest to the management.
7. Do not rush your work
It is true you must work within a time limit. But it does not mean you have to hurry around doing your work as if someone was chasing you.
If you rush your work, you will do it all wrong. And the result is that you have to redo your work again.
Instead, do your work at a steady pace and you will finish your work in the stipulated time.
8. Concentrate on your work
Most of you are easily distracted by the things happening around you. You leave your work unattended and while away your time.
This is completely wasting your time.
When you are hundred percent concentrated, your mind is totally focused in your work and not a single moment is lost.
9. Have your own me time
Does having enough time in life for your success mean that your day-to-day activities should be all work and no play?
If you do so, you will burn out.
You must do things you like. It can listening to music, watching TV, or doing gardening. You must indulge yourself.
You owe such personal enjoyments to yourself. It makes you unwind and come back to your work with more vigor.
10. Spend quality time with your family
What is the use of working if you do not spend time with your family?
Do not say you do not have time and spend time away from them. If you do so, you lose purpose in your life.
Your family is your priority. You want to be successful for them. So, spend quality time with them
It increases your productivity level.
“Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.”-Anthony G. Oettinger
Can you understand that you are gifted with enough time in life?
You have twenty four hours to plan your day.
Time wasted never comes back to you. Divide your daily time for dedicated work and for enjoyment. Have the best out of both worlds.