![Overcoming fear- Your one and only survival kit](https://i0.wp.com/www.lifereveals.com/lifeframework/uploads/2019/09/clouds-2709663_1280-1.jpg?resize=795%2C385&ssl=1)
Do you know overcoming fear is the only way to survive all the ups and downs of your life?
“You have nothing to fear if you are honest and guilt free” I have heard my mother saying these words an umpteenth time in my life.
Overcoming fear is actually the only survival kit available to you to help you walk through your life. It is because you will never have a moment of peace if you fear everything around you.
Let us first see what sort of fears you normally have.
- You fear defeat.
- You fear rejections and rebuffs.
- You fear successful people.
- You fear your failures will continue into your future.
- You fear that your problems will be never ending.
- You fear you might fall ill.
- You fear that you will never be rich.
Can you see that you fear almost everything in your life?
Are all your fears justified and valid?
Not exactly.
Most of your fears is a fabrication of your own wild imagination.
When you are negative, you feed depressing thoughts into your mind. And these negative thoughts make your mind cloudy and gloomy.
When your mind is not assertive, you eventually become fearing and timid. When you do not have the guts to fight out your problems, your total life is enveloped with fear.
Shall we see what happens when you have fears?
- You shirk from doing things to make you successful.
- You cringe from meeting people.
- You do not have the self-confidence to make a fight out of your life.
- Your total outlook towards life becomes pessimistic and miserable.
What happens when you have such fears in your life?
- You do not progress in your life.
- Your success is doomed.
- You do not have a moment of peace.
- You fall into deep depression.
The only way out of these sorts of issues you face is overcoming fear. When you fall prey to your fear, it gathers momentum to finally destroy your mental peace and confidence.
Why do you find it difficult in overcoming fear?
The way you were brought up by your parents decides whether you are going to be courageous or timid.
If you were abused by your parents in your childhood you grow up with lot of complexities. One such complexity is fear.
Your thinking and discerning ability is crushed and nipped in the bud by your all controlling parents.
But if you were brought up by understanding parents you, grow up being dynamic and courageous.
My experience with fear
There was a period in my life when I feared meeting people. I put my affluent relatives on a pedestal and thought I was nothing before them.
I shirked from going to family functions as I thought I was a non-entity because I had no money and wealth.
One fine day I thought I was fearing people who were as human as I was.
“Why should I put others in a pedestal and put myself at the rock bottom?’ I told myself.
I gradually came out of my shell of fear and began mingling with people. My life was a revelation to me when I gave up my fear.
Today I am a very changed person. I easily make friends. I fear no one. I am content about myself. The depression which I felt when I feared people has completely gone away.
Overcoming fear made easy by simplest of simple tricks
Overcoming fear in your work place
Most of you make your workplace a breeding ground to all sorts of fear.
You often start for your work cringing with fear about the anger of your boss, don’t you?
It simply means you are not confident about your work.
When you do not have confidence, you literally fear everything in your workplace.
- You fear your boss\higher officials\colleagues.
- You are terrified by the magnitude of your work.
Never ever be timid and meek in your workplace.
if you are so, you will be thrashed around by everyone worth his name.
So, overcoming fear is a must to sustain in your work.
Have you ever noticed the attitude of your successful colleague?
He looks confident and acts with assertiveness.
What makes him different from you?
The answer is quite simple.
Your successful colleague does not have unnecessary fear.
He is a go- getter. He does not fear his higher officials\boss as he is always confident about his work. Since your successful colleague is work efficient, he fears none.
But you are totally different.
Your lack of confidence makes you fear everyone. Your fear makes to freeze into inaction. You are unable to work efficiently. And your enormous load of pending work makes you unnerved.
You are getting yourself into a mess.
Overcoming fear tricks in your workplace.
- Stop thinking negatively about yourself.
- Never fear anyone as you are not a criminal.
- Become positive.
- Be assertive.
- Keep your mind clear to accept suggestions.
- Be friendly with your colleagues.
- Always go towards your problem in your workplace. Not away from it.
- Never make a mountain out of a no problem.
- Be friendly with your colleagues.
- Do your work steadily without fear.
When you avoid fear in your workplace, your success is just around the corner. You will be amazed to find yourself becoming work efficient when you forgo your fear and move towards being proficient.
Overcoming fear of people
Do you fear to approach people thinking that they may not reciprocate in a proper way?
Do you shy away from meeting a person as his towering significance makes you feel small and unimportant?
You will be surprised to know that the person you fear to meet achieved an enviable position because he was fearless to meet people.
No one is born successful. Successful people worked fearlessly for their success. They achieved it with their untiring enthusiasm and zeal.
Simple tricks of overcoming fear of people
- Understand that you too are as capable as others.
- Money does not make any person better than you are. Money only makes the person rich. So, do not fear rich people.
- You too have the capacity to be successful. Only you are not using your ability.
- Everyone is as human as you are. Do not put other people on a pedestal and feel small before them.
“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that fear has no power and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.” – Jim Morrison
Can you see that fear is nothing but your negative imagination?
Look at your reflection in your mirror.
Smile at your reflection, it smiles back.
Frown at your reflection, it frowns back.
It is the same with your fear also. If you give undue importance to your fear it clings to you and fetters your progress to a standstill.
On the other hand, if you shove it aside it melts down to nothingness.
It is all in your hands.
If you have to fear something it is your conscience, nothing else.