You crave for a satisfying life more than anything else, don’t you?
It is because unless you are satisfied with your life, you can never be happy.
Satisfaction is the key element that makes you feel that your life is worthy and meaningful.
When you are dissatisfied with your life, you feel dejected and depressed.
You might be very rich. But when you are not satisfied with your life, your richness means nothing.
But if you lead a content life in spite of your poor social status, you are richer than the richest.
Being rich does not in anyway stamp your life as satisfying. Being poor does not in anyway disqualify you from feeling satisfied in your life. The feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction is the output of your mindset.
You are satisfied or disatisfied with your life according to the way your mind dictates.
Do you feel happy when you think about your life?
Do you say good night without feeling guilty that you have wasted your day?
Are you satisfied with your job?
Are you satisfied with your married life?
Can you say a confident yes to all these questions?
If so, you are indeed leading a satisfying life and you have every reason to feel happy about it.
Here are the hallmarks of a satisfying life!
1. Being a person who likes his job
Your job is your livelihood. And you spend your prime hours in your workplace.
So, your job satisfaction is of paramount importance.
Most of you have to battle it out in a job which is not at all to your liking. You literally feel drained of your energy, when you have to constantly combat with not- so-adjusting colleagues, nasty and unsatisfied boss and the ever-prevalent competition.
You are wrong in feeling so.
There is no perfect job for most of the people. If you keep feeling that you are being wasted in your job, you become tensed and stressed. You should understand that wherever you work, you will face many work-related problems.
So, convert your job into a satisfying experience by giving your best to it. When you make your perfection speak on your behalf, you will be appreciated for your performance.
If on the other hand you continue disliking your job, you will never give your optimum best to it and your work will suffer.
Being fulfilled and satisfied in your life is connected to how you feel about your job.
Simple tips to enjoy your work!
Be sincere in your work.
Cultivate the habit of co-existing amicably with your colleagues.
Keep updating your knowledge about your work.
When you do so, you will start liking your job. As you get hold of your job, your time at your workplace will be less of strain and tension to you.
2. Being a good family person.
You might be a great success in your work. But if your family life is not happy, your life will be meaningless and empty.
Family life is that important for your happiness. Sadly, you do not give as much importance to your family as you give to your materialistic wealth.
You think your family will feel happy if you earn lots of money.
You are wrong.
Your materialistic wealth gives incredible social status to your family. But it never gives your family members happiness. Happiness in your family depends upon how much you nurture your relationship with them.
Having good rapport with your family makes you lead a purposeful life.
Simple tips to enjoy good family life!
Spend quality time with your family.
Demonstrate your love for your spouse.
Be adjusting to the minor faults of your spouse.
Have fun time with your children.
Never ever think that you can lead a satisfying life without a satisfying family life.
The happiness you enjoy with your family is interlinked to the satisfaction you feel about your life.
It is your family which gives meaning to your life. And when you share love and care with them, your life can be defined as fully lived and cherished.
3. Being emotionally secure.
Many of you lack emotional security and feel unloved and uncared.
Money can give you only financial security and no emotional security.
Your satisfying life is closely linked to the emotionally secured feeling you enjoy.
And it can be had only when you learn to cherish your relationship with your family. Good family life gives you great emotional security.
Do not shrink your family to just you, your spouse and your children.
You should love and respect your parents and take care of them until the day they live. If you ignore them, they will feel lost and deprived. It becomes a sort of curse which makes you feel guilt ridden.
When you take care of your parents, their happiness is a blessing which will come in good stead throughout your life.
4. Being financially stable
Your self-respect will be in shambles if you do not have financial security. Even though money cannot bring you happiness, it does give you freedom to live your life as you want to.
You do not have to cringe and shy away from others because of your lack of financial wellbeing.
So, start earning when you are young.
Start saving when you are young.
Be judicious in spending money when you are young.
Live within your means when you are young.
When you are careful in handling your hard-earned money when you are young, it will take care of your financial security in your old age.
5. Being Self confident
Without self-confidence you cannot live a satisfying life.
When you are not confident you will be trampled by everyone worth his name.
If you lack confidence you will shirk meeting people and thereby deny your success.
When you are not confident you will fear everything around you. And your fear makes others dominate you.
Your total life becomes a miserable failure.
7. Being well-groomed
Do you know your well-groomed look is a reflection of your character?
You are judged by the way you present yourself to the world.
If you are shoddy in your dressing, you will be looked upon as a person with no confidence and substance.
But when you are well-groomed, the goodness your project outside will seep inside you, transforming you into a very confident and assertive person.
8. Being a person with great people’s skill
Have you seen some people attracting others like an ant to sugar?
How do they do it?
If you notice, you will see that they have good listening skills and great communicating skills.
The main key to success in your life is people’s skill. When you are gifted with it, you can be sure of leading a satisfying life.
9. Being with good friends
Life without good friends is boring. It will deprive you of sharing your true feelings.
You can share all your thoughts only with your friends.
And if your friends are true and genuine you are indeed lucky.
10. Being in good health
Good health is the essence of good living.
You can survive without money, but if your health is gone there is nothing left for you.
You should take care of your health from your young age itself. And you should also realize that only a healthy body can breed a healthy mind.
When you keep your mind healthy, you will not allow negative elements like, depression, pessimism, fear, jealously and other crippling thoughts enter your mind. A healthy mind thinks positively, acts positively and lives positively.
You drastically need it for a satisfying life.
“Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you’re going to live your life.” -Joel Osteen
Analyze whether you are gifted with these most important aspects of your life.
Give yourself ten marks for each quality. If you lack any quality resist from giving marks to it.
Finally add up to see how much you score.
If your score is above sixty percent, your life is just about average.
But if you score above eighty percent, you are leading an excellent life.
If you score above ninety percent, you are leading an exemplary life.
If you fall below forty percent, you need to completely revamp your life. Feed in the required aspects into your life to make it as good as you want it to be.
Each and every aspect can be cultivated and the more you concentrate on your character and thoughts, the more you will be enjoying a satisfying life.