Do you know you need people’s skill if you want to succeed in life?
Without the help of other people, you cannot suceed in your life. And you need people’s skill to draw them towards you.
What does people’s skill exactly mean?
- It is your capacity to interconnect with people with easiness.
- It is your ability to empathize with people.
- It is your gift to understand the problems of others.
- It is the approachability you have when you converse with others.
Do you possess these qualities?
Mostly you do not.
I am sure most of you never think a big deal about people’s skill.
This is the reason, you do not interact with people you are not familiar with. You do not smile when you talk with people you are not acquainted with. You feel very self-conscious when you are in a crowd.
In fact, most of us are like this.
There was a phase in my life when I never talked with people I did not know. I was very formal and straight when I interacted with unfamiliar people.
I was completely lacking in people’s skill then.
But, now I know that you need people to be successful. You just cannot exist on your own. You have to be communicative if you want to pluck the enticing flower of success.
So, I developed people’s skill. After developing it, it has opened a new world to me. I was amazed when I realized that almost all people like to communicate. It is we who think twice before interacting with people.
I now interconnect with even strangers effortlessly. When I communicate, I am able to understand people from their perspective.
It feels nice when people around you respond to your communication. You acquire many friends. And your world becomes widespread and expansive.
Does this mean your success just needs people’s skill?
Of course not.
But, it is an indirect root cause for your success.
Do you want an example?
You might write great blog posts. But, unless people read your posts, your will never get viewers.
James Cameron is a great film director. I adored his films Titanic and Avatar. He is world famous as a notable director in Hollywood. But he owes his success to people. If people did not watch his movies, again and again, he would not have become world famous. So, the director owes his success to his fans.
People’s skill is also just like that. It is an indirect gateway to your success.
Is it very difficult to cultivate people’s skill?
Absolutely not!
It is child play if you cultivate the habit of liking people.
Here are the top 10 workable tips to develop people’s skill
1. Smile when you interact
Do you look sober and unsmiling when you are interacting with people?
Do not be unsmiling when you are talking with others. It makes people feel reserved to talk to you. Your unsmiling face makes others feel that you are unfriendly and unapproachable.
This is the reason you should smile when you interact with people. Smile with your eyes to reflect your approachability. It immediately conveys the message that you are very friendly and supportive. It easily draws people towards you.
2. Let others talk
Are you in a habit in hogging all the attention for yourself by talking nonstop?
Do you interrupt when others are talking to you, as you are impatient to put forth your thoughts?
Do not do do it. It puts people off.
Let others have a chance to talk about their thoughts.
Do not keep interrupting to show off your knowledge.
Giving space to others is part of developing people’s skill.
3. Become a great listener
Be a great listener. People always like to talk about themselves. They need someone to put forth their feelings.
Listen compassionately to what other people have to say. Give them the solace they need.
A simple trick to show people that they have your total attention is to tilt your head towards them when you are listening.
4. Remember names
Develop the habit of remembering names.
Do not take this aspect casually. Remembering a person by his name makes him feel very important.
I went to the police station to file a FIR to trace my land document which I had lost.
The next day I went to collect my FIR. The policeman there remembered me by my name.
It somehow made me happy. I felt he was a friendly policeman – a good example of people’s skill.
5. Have trust in others
You must trust people. When you are doubtful and suspicious, people do not like talking with you.
It creates a feeling of wariness against you. If you trust others, they trust you.
It is an easy way towards extraordinary people’s skill.
6. You must be flexible
Do you feel you are always right?
If you have this mindset, you will become inflexible in your thoughts and activities.
Do you feel you know the best about everything?
This is not people’s skill.
You cannot expect people to tow your line of thoughts. Be flexible and pliable when interacting with others.
If you are too pliable, you are taken for a ride. If you are too rigid, people do not like talking with you.
So, the trick is to strike the right balance.
7. Be humorous
Are you always sullen and melancholic?
It puts people off from you.
You should develop a humorous attitude. Your sense of humor attracts people towards you. People like it when you talk with good humor.
8. Cultivate exceptional body language
Do you know your body language conveys million messages without you knowing it?
It literally talks for you. Your body language speak volumes about you. They convey many hidden messages about you.
When your eyes waver with uncertainty, people are suspicious about you. They feel uneasy to interact with you.
But when you look directly into the eyes of the person you are talking to, it instantly shows you as a trustworthy person. People like you.
Developing a good body language helps you are great in deal in people’s skill.
9. Do not be commanding
Never interact in a commanding voice with others. You have no right to command others.
Do not expect others to behave slavishly towards you. No one is your slave.
Be humble and grounded.
One of the topmost aspect of people’s skill.
10. Honesty is still the best policy
When you are honest, people trust you.
Never give false promises and coolly forget it.
Broken promises creates instant distrust in you. People become wary of you.
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one.” Dale Carnegie
Can you see how easy it is develop people’s skill?
It is your friendly interaction with people which makes them feel the goodness in you.
It is the easiest habit in the world.
Cultivate great people’s skill.
You can visibly see your life changing for the better.
Thank you for your positive comments.